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    Dynamic bandwidth division with the RouterOS system

    Marek Burzyński, 2007-05-18, Drukuj
  • 1.

    Movement marking

    The bandwidth- manager is one of essential elements in a computer networks, which ensures comfort of work. This device limits the movement of one type, usually in order to give place for another one. If a bandwidth control is not used, one movement type will have to take allotment from main link.
    At the MikroTik system it is possible to easy bandwidth limiting with the simple queues. However, it is necessary to make more advanced allotment of bandwidth sometimes (the movement forming with using of queue tree), especially when we want to have more movement control, options choice of movement type, or give priority and guarantee the bandwidth according to ours assumptions.

    Firstly, we have to make movement marking.
    Marking is a process consisting in virtually data mark, which has some distinctive features (e.g. IP address of source or target port).

    In order to form dynamic movement for users group, there are two ways:

    • by IP address – it is a effective way in case of routing and NAT.
    • by MAC address – very effective way in case of transparent bridge.

    We will take up first way at this time- the marking by user IP address.

    I would like to recommend using of scripts at a lot of entries generating, because the script makes it more comfortable.
    In order to have the use of scripts (winbox) one should choose 'System -> Scripts' from left menu.
    At follow up of report, the script made by internal scripts interpreter at the system will be marked as “(script)”.

    Picture 1:


    Then, at new window, click on “+” symbol;
    Picture 2:


    to entry field “Source” one should entry the script content;

    Picture 3:


    After accepting, one should mark script chosen and click the “Run Script” button;
    Picture 4:


    The first script we have to make is:

    :for x from 2 to 254 do={ /ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting
    src-address=(192.168.0. . $x ) action=mark-packet
    new-packet-mark=( $x . upload ) passthrough=no }

    this is a movement, which comes user from (his upload).

    In order to change address class from 192.168.0 one should entry edit “src-address=(192.168.0.)”. It is very important to put full stops at the same place as at above example. The situation is similar in case of scope from 2 to 254. We might edit that scope very easy by entering value, which are satisfied for us.

    :for x from 2 to 254 do={ /ip firewall mangle add chain=postrouting
    dst-address=(192.168.0. . $x ) action=mark-packet
    new-packet-mark=( $x . download ) passthrough=no }

    and this is the mark at the internet -> user direction, that is its download.

  • dalej

Hold on there sparky! Using IE? Really? Come on now. You really need to move on and get a better browser.